I am a friend of Jesus
In John 15:15, Jesus says “I do not call you servants anymore, because a servant doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father.” This truth reveals the heart of our relationship with Christ—it’s not just about a religion; it’s a relationship with a friend. You have a personal connection with the King of Kings.
A servant follows orders without understanding the master's intentions. The master expresses his desire, and the servant obeys. But Jesus elevates our relationship with Him by calling us his friends. This means He invites us into His confidence, sharing with us the mysteries and truths of the Kingdom of God. We don’t just obey orders, we are invited in to understanding how God works and we get to be partners in His Kingdom.
Today, I want you to think about what it means to be a friend of Jesus. Friendship is built on trust, mutual respect, and intimacy. It involves sharing our hearts, our struggles, our joys, and our dreams. Jesus, in His immense love, has chosen to share His heart with us. He reveals the Father’s will, His purposes, and His plans. He wants us to be partners in His mission, understanding the “why” behind His actions and commands. This friendship has blessing attached to it, because when we honor the commands, we receive the promises. What a friend we have in Jesus.
This should transform how we live out our faith. It’s not about following rules out of fear or obligation; it’s about living in a vibrant, dynamic relationship with Him. This friendship is marked by open communication, where we can come to Him with anything and everything. Nothing is to hard for our God, and nothing you are facing is insignificant to him, simply put, if it matters to you, it matters to God.
This friendship invites us to spend time in His presence, to know Him more deeply, and to align our hearts with His. It’s about walking with Him daily, experiencing His love, and extending that love to others. It’s about partnering with Him in His work, not as mere servants, but as trusted friends who understand His heart. Here’s my challenge for you today, rate your friendship with Jesus. If the number is low, raise it. How do we do that? Spend time with Him, talk to Him, listen for His voice, and read His word. The more you know Him, the more you will desire to obey Him, and the more of His goodness will be evident in your life. Grow closer to Jesus today. He’s waiting for you.