I Am a Temple of the Holy Spirit: God’s Own Spirit Lives Inside of Me

1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us a great truth about our identity: “Don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own.” This scripture displays the incredible reality that as believers, God’s own Spirit dwells within us, transforming us into living temples of His presence.

What does this mean? To be a temple of the Holy Spirit means that our bodies are sacred spaces where God Himself resides. And this isn’t just a metaphor; it’s a literal truth. The Holy Spirit, God himself, lives within us! He makes us carriers of His divine presence. This indwelling of the Spirit is a mark of our identity and a testament to the closeness of our relationship with God.

In the Old Testament, the temple was the central place of worship, where God’s presence dwelled and His glory was displayed. Now through Christ, each of us has become a temple, a place where God lives. This means that wherever we go, God’s presence goes with us. We carry His love, His power, and His holiness within us.

Picture this: before I had kids, I knew “about” parenting. I knew people that had kids, and when I went to their house, I could see parenting in action. I even knew enough to talk about what I saw a parent doing. But, it wasn’t until I actually became a dad and had kids living inside my house that I truly “knew” parenting. It became real to me, it is now part of who I am; it’s part of my identity. I’m no longer on the outside living in, it is my real life. How much more can we know God when His spirit is living inside of us?

Knowing that God’s Spirit lives inside of us calls us to live with a heightened awareness of His presence. It encourages us to honor God with our bodies, making choices that reflect His holiness and purity. Our actions, thoughts, and attitudes should be in alignment with the reality that we are temples of the Holy Spirit.

This identity also provides us with incredible comfort and assurance. We are never alone; the Holy Spirit is our constant companion, guide, and helper. He empowers us to live out our faith, to resist temptation, and to fulfill God’s purposes for our lives. The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us, giving us strength and courage to face any challenge.

Consider the daily impact of being a temple of the Holy Spirit. It transforms how we approach our lives, our relationships, and our decisions. It means that our bodies are not our own; they belong to God. We are called to steward our physical health, our time, and our resources in ways that honor Him. 

Today, embrace this incredible truth: You are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Let this reality fill your heart with awe and reverence. Allow it to inspire you to live a life that is worthy of His presence. Honor God with your body, knowing that His Spirit dwells within you. And remember this - being a temple of the Holy Spirit is both a privilege and a responsibility. It’s a call to live in a way that reflects God’s holiness and love. It’s an invitation to experience the fullness of His presence every day. Let this truth guide your actions, shape your thoughts, and transform your life.


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